Home Company Details

The person in charge : Kyounghoon Yoo Director

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Unique No. 240114-279220

[Republic of Korea] PCC Corporation (Corporation)

Pesticide-free from a farm directly managed in a clean area on Cheongok Mountain (1,256m above sea level), Mitan-myeon, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon Special Self-Governing Province. Grown and produced directly with organic certification, Herbal plants used as raw materials for Korean traditional medicine (effectiveness such as improving immunity, strengthening digestion, maintaining bone health, skin cell production, etc.) "Church prickly pear (origin: Korean cactus)" "Korean Cactus Health Food" and "Korean Cactus Cosmetics" that utilize the efficacy "Manufacturing (OEM. ODM). It is a farming cooperative that distributes (85% of exports). Korean Cactus: This means, “Once planted, it can live for a thousand years and has thousands of benefits (improvement of immunity, strengthening of digestive function, maintenance of bone health, skin cell generation effect, etc.).”
[ 2016/08/16 ~ 2024-09-17 ]

CEO. Kyunghee Kim

ID. pccc


Lv. 2

Distinguish Sales Export amount
Year 2022 891,766,556 505,843
Year 2021 202,232,852 446,686
Year 2020 28,267,336 382,373

T. 82-33-332-3794
P. 82-10-5417-2961
E. ozar8887@gmail.com
A. 61-61, Surijae-gil, Mitan-myeon, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea

Product categories and items

Health Food
There are no products registered in the company.

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