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The person in charge : 장수문 대표

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Unique No. 230518-916165

[Republic of Korea] SUNNYDAY (Sole proprietorship)

SUNNYDAY has developed and commercialized the kimchi sunseng cube following the R&D mass production of solid broth. We are approaching consumers by improving existing ingredients, making them more convenient for users, and taste better. Following the kimchi sunseng cube, which was commercialized to be distributed at room temperature, kimchi sauce products are also in the midst of research and development. These products were developed with export in mind from planning to production, and are introduced in the global market as products with the superiority, convenience and taste of Korean food ingredients.
[ 2021.06.23 ~ 2024-09-08 ]

CEO. Zang sumoon

ID. sunnyday


Lv. 3

Distinguish Sales Export amount
Year 2022 44,192,396
Year 2021 7,620,455 0
Year 2020 0 0

T. 010-9418-9900
P. 010-9418-9900
E. sumoonzang@gmail.com
A. #985, 1139, Cheonho-daero, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Product categories and items

Processed agricultural products
Halal Food
Korean traditional food
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