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The person in charge : Jacob Kim Director

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Unique No. 230202-226424

[Republic of Korea] Anima Tree Co., Ltd. (Corporation)

We' re agricultural corporation based in Jeju Island and specializes in developing products based on agricultural porducts from Jeju Island such as organic citrus juice and carrot juice.
[ 2011.10.5. ~ 2024-09-17 ]

CEO. Myeongjin Kim

ID. animatree


Lv. 2

Distinguish Sales Export amount
Year 2022 220,000,000 0
Year 2021 180,000,000 0
Year 2020 150,000,000 0

T. +82-64-792-5668
P. +82-10-3740-6115
E. mjkim6115@hanmail.net
A. 21, Lijuseo-ro 188-gil, Andeok-myun, Seogwipo-city, Jejuialand, South Korea

Product categories and items

Health Food
There are no products registered in the company.

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