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The person in charge : Lim Jae-hyeon Manager

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Unique No. 210610-137445

[Republic of Korea] Ungteori (Corporation)

We make it slow, but we make it well. Ungteori Co. Ltd. believes in the power of Korean food. It may take time, but we wait and research until we see the right flavor. Our production plant prefers specialty over smart; we want the flavor to last on your tongue and weave seasonal food ingredients from various locations into magnificent food. We strive every day to provide you a true serenity through differentiated flavors.
[ 2018-02-01 ~ 2024-09-08 ]

CEO. Park Young-jun

ID. ungteori


Lv. 3

Distinguish Sales Export amount
Year 2020 0 0
Year 2019 0 0
Year 2018 0 0

T. 82-1544-3374
P. 82-10-9351-3901
E. djdxjfl0202@naver.com
A. 25, Foodpolis-ro 8-gil, Wanggung-myeon, Iksan-si, Jeollabuk-do, Republic of Korea

Product categories and items

Processed meat products
Meal Kit
There is no IR data registered in the company.