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The person in charge : Lee eun-bi Assistant Manager

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Unique No. 210609-684450

[Republic of Korea] SCDD Co.,Ltd. (Corporation)

In 2011, SCDD was established to introduce the world to the flavors of seaweed, which has been one of Korea's most popular side dishes. In 2012, the company established a seaweed snack manufacturing factory in Bangkok, Thailand. It has achieved export results of USD 10 million(2016) after 6 years from its establishement. Currently(as of 2019), SCDD exports its products to Thailand, Russia, Vietnam, and other countries.
[ 2011-03-15 ~ 2024-09-17 ]

CEO. Kang Byeong-Soo

ID. scdd


Lv. 3

Distinguish Sales Export amount
Year 2020 15,349,544,367
Year 2019 15,437,681,393
Year 2018 16,929,982,915

T. 82-63-832-8504
P. 82-10-3956-4967
E. leb@scdd.co.kr
A. 285 Jeseoksaji-ro, Wanggung-myeon, Iksan-si, Jeollabuk-do

Product categories and items

Processed marine products
Halal Food
Korean traditional food