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The person in charge : Yoonhwan Choi Sale team

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Unique No. 210609-439596

[Republic of Korea] Harim (Corporation)

Harim Group integrates and manages food valuse chain starting from grains to table as a Global Food & Agri Biz company. Harim Group starts its business as protein food company based on feed and livestock and deepen the business to grain distribution which is a cornerstone of food. We have the same philosophy and principles in producing food for pets.
[ 2011-01-01 ~ 2024-09-08 ]

CEO. Yoon seok chun

ID. harim


Lv. 3

Distinguish Sales Export amount
Year 2020 869,650,000 0
Year 2019 804,820,000 0
Year 2018 828,006,000 0

T. 82-63-862-2542
P. 82-10-2257-0502
E. 202642@harim.com
A. 14, Mangseong-ro, Mangseong-myeon, Iksan-si, Jeollabuk-do, Republic of Korea

Product categories and items

Meal Kit
There is no IR data registered in the company.